SchoolView 2020
SchoolView 2020 suite gives a holistic view of the institution by converting complex data into easy-to-understand and powerful dashboard reports.
SchoolView 2020 shows the data in tabular form. With the help of SchoolView 2020, changes in records can be shown in such a simpler form that anyone can get the information very easily. For example, a dashboard was created for enrollment of a college, so anyone can judge the increasing or decreasing rate of enrolling students by seeing the dashboard. If the rate is decreasing then the concerned person will focus on the reason behind the decreasing rate of enrollment. And many more examples prove how “SchoolView 2020” is beneficial for the institutions.
SchoolView 2020 is a powerful data mart and intelligent, easy-to-use, reporting and forecasting tool.
Education Analytics solutions built on Power BI can help academic institutions by giving them greater visibility and accessibility of their data in a simple and effective manner.
This can help you to generate valuable insights using an easy-to-use application.
To track students’ performance in an easy and efficient way.
In conclusion, the “SchoolView 2020” motive is to show the complex data in an easier form.
The graph is a holistic view of the admission process that includes statistics about graduates, freshmen, dropouts, and continuing students. It also includes the percent admission in each program, program-wise dropout percentage, and the main reasons for student dropouts. The graph also depicts the graduation rate, dropout rate, and four main reasons for students dropping out of school.
Check it out for yourself by entering the full-screen mode of the Power BI graph shown below.
By using the SchoolView 2020 suite, In current time the institutions are using the following Dashboards
A Dashboard is a Graphical User Interface that often provides an at-a-glance view of relevant data to an objective or business process. In other words, a “dashboard” often displays key reports a college or organization needs.
Enrollment: In the Enrollment report, the number of students enrolled will be shown by Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Field of Study, and Demographics.
Degree Awarded: Degrees are awarded at RIO at baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral levels.
Admission: Show the statistics about undergraduate admission of first-year students.
Retention: Student Retention is a process of ensuring student success or graduation.
Advising: Academic Advising is when the advisor meets with the student discusses the student’s problems and advises them appropriately.
The Power BI graph shown below gives a holistic view of the number of students, courses, programs, and faculties of all the campuses. When the user hovers the mouse pointer on any of the vertical bar graphs it shows the details regarding campus, number of students, program, course, and faculty details.
It also includes a holistic view of the student retention rate for the last 8 years, campus-wise. When the user hovers the mouse pointer on the line graph it shows the retention rate of the students in each campus for the particular academic year. For example, here the graph shows three campuses (Austin, Shreveport, and Alexandria) of StudentSpace University (SSU) which is imaginary.
The student advising line graph depicts the number of advising given each year campus-wise. When the user hovers the mouse pointer on the advising line graph it shows the number of students advised on each campus for the particular academic year.
Check it out for yourself by entering the full-screen mode of the Power BI graph shown below.